Introducing AISol Startup

 What is AISol Startup?

AIST Solutions promotes the co-creation of businesses by certifying startup companies that are deemed to be suitable in light of the AIST Group’s management strategy as played out through our role in helping solve societal issues, our technological competitive edge, our marketability, and our synergy with AIST as AISol startups. AIST Solutions, in concert with AIST, supports the growth of AISol startups and together promotes their commercialization in such terms as engineering, marketing, business acceleration, and capital reinforcement.



AISol Startup logo

Support for AISol startups

We harness the collective strengths of the AIST Group to provide as much varied support as possible in accordance with each company’s requirements and situation.

Examples of support

  • Marketing and business acceleration
    -Such business concepts as marketing concepts and management systems that incorporate distinctive technologies and reflect market needs
    -Implementing cultivation programs that are run in collaboration with VCs and incubators
    -Developing personnel and introducing seminars and advisors
  • Engineering
    -Providing support for the verification of technological principles and strategies for the standardization of intellectual property
    -Use of research facilities and equipment and preferential treatment in terms of intellectual property licenses
  • Capital reinforcement
    -Introducing domestic and overseas VCs and promoting in-kind and cash investments by AISol

List of AISol startups

AISol startups

Veneno Technologies Co.,Ltd.
《Drug development》

(Tsukuba City, Ibaraki; certified in May 2023)

Innovating the development process for peptide drugs, a dream of those involved in the biopharmaceutical field


ZenmuTech, Inc.
《Information security》

(Chuo-ku, Tokyo; certified in August 2023)

Providing data security-related solutions based on proprietary secret sharing and secure computation technologies



iFactory Inc.

(Ota-ku, Tokyo; certified in October 2023)

Achieving sustainable production infrastructure through fully automated continuous production facilities for use with pharmaceuticals and functional chemicals



Stockmark Inc.
《Generative AI》

(Tokyo; certified in May 2024 )

With original generative AI (LLM),​ Supporting manufacturing industry application exploration/customer value creation


TriOrb Inc.

(Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka; certified in June 2024)

Industrial Omnidirectional Platform for Flexible Production Systems



  • 【更新日】2023年11月7日
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Contact Form

*Although our inquiry form is in Japanese, we welcome inquiries from around the world.