Establishing the NOF-AIST Smart Green Chemicals Collaborative Research Laboratory

Establishing the NOF-AIST Smart Green Chemicals Collaborative Research Laboratory 
-Using the power of chemistry to create new value and realize a prosperous and sustainable society- 

Developing a chemical production process harmonized with the environment 
Promoting a shift from fossil fuels to plant-derived raw materials in the production of chemicals
Creating functional chemical products (smart green chemicals) that help bring about decarbonization and enrich people’s lives


NOF-AIST Smart Green Chemicals Collaborative Research Laboratory


Aiming to continuously create new value with the power of chemistry across three fields: life and healthcare, the environment and energy, and electronics and information. 

Realizing sustainability
Shifting from petroleum-type raw materials to biomass and other examples of raw materials that have a low environmental impact 
Establishing an environmentally harmonized production process that conserves energy and resources 

AIST Group

A public research institute engaged in research and development work on science and technology in a way that contributes to economic and societal growth.

Utilizing comprehensive knowledge of materials
High potential for the development of materials using cutting-edge catalyst-creating technology and digital transformation 
A development site with some of the best equipment in the country in connection with biomanufacturing and the assessment of materials 

Creating green chemicals to help bring about decarbonization and enrich people’s lives 

The AIST Group (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “AIST” and AIST Solutions Co.) and NOF Corporation (representative director and president: Koji Sawamura; hereinafter referred to as “NOF”) established the NOF-AIST Smart Green Chemicals Collaborative Research Laboratory in AIST’s Materials & Chemistry Division on April 1, 2024. 

By combining the fundamental technologies and expertise possessed by the AIST Group and NOF, this collaborative research laboratory*1 aims to promote the development of environmentally harmonious chemical production processes and create functional chemicals (smart green chemicals*2) that help bring about decarbonization and enrich people’s lives. This will allow us to harness the power of chemistry to continuously provide new value to society and help realize and cultivate a sustainable chemical industry. 

See the “Glossary” for explanations on underlined sections *1 through 3.

Photograph 1 (left to right): Koji Sawamura, Representative Director & President of NOF; Kazuhiko Ishimura, President of AIST) 

Photograph 2 (left to right): Kenshiro Shuto, Executive Operating Officer (General Manager of the Functional Materials Division); Eui-Chul Kang, Executive Operating Officer (General Manager of the Corporate R&D Division); Koji Sawamura, Representative Director, President, and CEO; Takeo Miyaji, Representative Director & Executive Chairman; Kazuhiko Ishimura, President of AIST; Seiji Osaka, Representative Director & President of AIST Solutions; Norimitsu Murayama, Vice-President of AIST; Satoshi Hamakawa, Executive Officer (General Manager of the Materials & Chemistry Division) 

Background and objectives
The chemical industry is one of several sectors driving the Japanese economy and has given rise to many value-added products to date. At the same time, it is second only to the steel industry when it comes to carbon dioxide emissions, such that there is an international need to see more initiatives for decarbonization undertaken in this field. NOF is primarily engaged in the production and selling of chemical products related to life and healthcare, the environment and energy, and electronics and information, among other areas, and has promoted efforts to promote sustainability through a shift to environmentally-friendly raw materials and processes. In order to further expand these efforts to promote sustainability, the Collaborative Research Laboratory aims to work on developing a chemical production process designed to conserve resources and energy in unprecedented ways and creating functional chemicals (smart green chemicals) that will help bring about decarbonization and enrich people’s lives by harnessing the comprehensive strengths of the AIST Group and combining the strengths of both parties. 

Characteristics of the Collaborative Research Laboratory 
The Collaborative Research Laboratory to be established will gather together researchers from a variety of different specialized fields to carry out multifaceted research and development work on new processes and products. AIST is well-positioned to develop catalyst-creating technologies and materials through the application of digital transformation and operates some of the largest materials development sites (Materials and Process Innovation Platforms*3) in the country, sites that encompass everything from cutting-edge catalyst design and development technology being applied to contribute to new environmentally harmonized methods for the production of chemicals to processes for the production of different materials and evaluations of their characteristics. By combining these technologies with NOF’s proprietary technology for the production of chemical products in connection with their watchword (“From the biosphere to outer space”), open innovation will be pursued. In addition, organic interactions between personnel and technologies brought to the table by both parties will be encouraged to help cultivate highly-skilled technical personnel who will helm the chemical industry of the next generation. Through these initiatives, the creation of smart green chemicals to help bring about decarbonization and enrich people’s lives will be promoted, and both parties will aid in the realization of a sustainable society and an ideal chemical industry of the future.

Name  NOF-AIST Smart Green Chemicals Collaborative Research Laboratory 
Date established April 1, 2024
Location established  Group 5, Central Office, AIST Tsukuba Center (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki)
Head of the Collaborative Research Laboratory  Jun-Chul Choi (Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry, Materials & Chemistry Division, AIST)
Primary research contents Developing new catalytic processes in connection with smart green chemicals 


Glossary of terms 

*1: Collaborative research laboratories (named laboratories) 
In order to carry out research and development work with greater focus placed on the needs of companies, AIST sets up collaborative research laboratories (named laboratories) named for the companies it refers to as partner companies within AIST. Partner companies provide researchers, research funds, and more while AIST provides researchers, research facilities, intellectual property, and other resources for research. The researchers loaned by the partner company and researchers belonging to AIST jointly engage in research and development work in each case.  

*2: Smart green chemicals 
Refers to chemicals produced through a chemical or biological process that is more resource- or energy-efficient than conventional methods or chemicals produced using plant-derived raw materials rather than fossil fuels.  

*3: Materials and Process Innovation Platforms 
Refers to three sites where materials are developed and that have been set up by AIST in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Strategy for Reinforcing Materials Innovations (April 2023) (advanced catalysts: Tsukuba City, Ibaraki; ceramics and alloys: Nagoya City, Aichi; organic/bio-materials: Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima).

Direct any inquiries you may have concerning this matter to the following:
NOF Corporation 
Corporation Communications Department 
E-mail: info* (replace * with @) 

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 
Press Office, Branding and Public Relations Department 
E-mail: hodo-ml* (replace * with @) 

AIST Solutions Co. 
Click here to submit an inquiry to AIST Solutions

  • 【更新日】2024年3月27日
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