Ceremony to commemorate the establishment of the company is held

A ceremony to commemorate the establishment of the company was held on May 26. 

After an opening statement was delivered by President Kazuhiko Ishimura of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, President Osaka of the company presented an overview of the company and introduced the future direction of the company’s business and specific business themes. Congratulatory messages were also received from Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (video message); Akira Amari, Member of the House of Representatives; Keiji Kojima, Director and Representative Executive Officer of Hitachi, Ltd.; and Yasuhiro Sato, Vice-Chairman of the Japan Business Federation. The event was successfully attended by over 200 representatives of companies, universities, and governmental agencies. 


President Osaka giving his presentation

Direct any inquiries you may have concerning this matter to the following: 
Management Planning Office, Management Strategy Division <kikaku-all-ml*aist-solutions.co.jp> (replace * with @) 

  • 【更新日】2023年5月31日
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