Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd., is certified as an AISol startup

AIST Solutions Co. certified Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd., which engages in business using AIST technology, as an AISol startup.
The company is the first (No. 1) to be granted AISol Startup certification. 

Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd. (head office: Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture; representative director: Hisanori Yoshikawa) is a startup that develops pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals based on disulfide-rich peptides (DRPs), which are known as components of biological venoms, in order to solve societal issues in the areas of medicine, agriculture, and animal health. Upon assessing Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd., highly in terms of their technological competitiveness and business concept, we decided to certify them as an AISol startup. 

We are committed to providing support to Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd., in concert with AIST. 

Overview of Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd.: 
Representative director: Hisanori Yoshikawa 
Head office: 2-1-6, Sengen, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 
Established: July 2020 
Description of business: Developing new pharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, and bio-chemicals based on disulfide-rich peptides (DRPs) 

AISol startup: 
AIST Solutions promotes the co-creation of businesses by certifying startup companies that are deemed to be suitable in light of the AIST Group’s management strategy from the perspective of helping solve societal issues, maintaining a technological competitive edge, promoting marketability, and harnessing synergy with AIST as AISol startups. AIST Solutions, in collaboration with AIST, supports the growth of AISol startups from various aspects, including engineering, marketing, business acceleration, and capital reinforcement, and promotes commercialization together with other companies. 

Direct any inquiries you may have concerning this matter to the following: 
Startup Department, Produce Business Division <aisol-startups-info-ml*> (replace * with @) 

Relevant information: 
Website of Veneno Technologies Co., Ltd.
Website of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (interview articles) 

  • 【更新日】2023年5月26日
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